Sunday, June 22, 2008

Road to Success

From the day I told everyone that I have resigned from my job, I am encountering with new experiences altogether. The first expression was "What??? When??" After inquiring about the reason, the expression was "I am glad that you have taken a good decision!"

Well now that everyone knows about this and that everyone has become a less curious about me, the life has started acting strangely with me. I never felt the urge to work more dedicatedly. Why is this happening?

Since I passed my Engineering, I was feeling the urge to succeed in life. I joined this organisation, tried to learn new things. Then as time was passing, I became very much irritated by the job I was doing. I was searching answers for how do I succeed in life? I came up with an answer "Do higher studies!"

I started preparing for Entrance tests. Appeared for few of them and got rejected. But still I believed that I will be succeeding. I still gave one last test. Are you thinking that I finally succeeded? You are wrong! I may have got good marks (or not so good marks) but still I was not satisfied.

After resigning, I started working harder so that I could learn as much as I can, from this organisation, thinking that this will help me in near future. But little did I know what was in stores for me.

One day when my co-workers and I were talking they said, "You are amongst 2-3 people who have made a mark in our lives and we will be talking about you for years to come." I was moved by this statement. I knew they weren't joking neither were they lying. That came straight from their heart.

From that day onwards, success meant very little to me. Indeed how foolish I was to run behind a relative term "success" It was that day I realised that its not success that should be important to us but its the Road to Success that should matter.

I haven't succeeded yet, but for me the journey will never end. I have already covered one milestone on the road to success. How many have you covered?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I was sitting on the terrace of my apartment watching the sun set behind the mountains... correction, buildings. The sky was looking fabulous with the festival of colours and the clouds with a golden lining added the extra effect. The birds were flying in there 'V' formation to avoid the resistance from air (but we wont go into the boring science today).

The sky was about to become dark and I saw the first object, I instantly recognized it was Venus (thanks to my friend who introduced me to night sky watching). The orange colour was was about to disappear so that the star party will take over from that.

However I remembered what my teachers thought me in my early days. "The colour of sky is due to the refraction and dispersion of light in the atmosphere" (not boring science again!). But seriously, if sky does not have its own colour or the very fact that is doesn't even exists in its material form then why do we quantify it?

Probably because we all see things in the way we like to see it. We set our goals to "reach for the sky" or "sky is the limit but..... lower".

What we fail to realize is that the main reason we "see sky" is because of air around us. In the same way many a times we fail to see who really is responsible for the good/ bad work and end up messing up with someone who is not related.

Now I gotta go home.
Didn't you read above lines?
It is dark already.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


"Oh no, a power cut!", I cursed the Electricity board. I was in in a hurry to finish off my Thermodynamics Assignment.

Somehow, in the dark, I managed to find a candle. Quickly I lit it and the light spread in the room. I saw the flame dancing even on the slightest of my movements.

I blessed the person who must have invented it, for the great help he/she has provided to the world.

For many people in remote India, its still the only source of light during night time. Gosh! can't even think of living in dark or in a candlelight. How do the children study there? Eating a candlelight dinner is okay but only in a hotel. Wouldn't like to eat bugs who would slip in the food probably because it is too dark there. But still the candle helps serve "the purpose of knowledge".

We light a candle in a church as we pray. The light shows us the way to enlightenment. We pray to god to keep our families happy and healthy. Maybe it helps serve "the purpose of Faith".

We remember the loving ones by lighting a candle in their memory. By this the candle helps serve "the purpose of affection"

In the process of giving out light it undergoes a painful process. It teaches us not to be afraid of the consequences in the process of making this world a better place to live. Maybe it teaches us "the purpose of life".