Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sound of Silence

Yesterday, while I was standing on the railway platform waiting for my train to arrive, I saw a bunch of school going kids. There was something peculiar about them that grabbed my attention. The blue and white coloured checked uniform wearing kids seemed different from the crowd.

They were doing some handsigns (No, they weren't the obscene handsigns). The kids were deaf and dumb. The handsigns were a way for them to communicate with each other. In between the handsigns, they all laughed whole-heartedly. Must be sharing a common joke.

I got so engrossed in their silent conversation that I could not hear the noises on the platform. I was magically taken to their world. I tried to talk to them in my language but somehow I could not. At that time I was standing with them as a deaf and dumb person who could not hear, speak or understand their language.

Whatever it may be for me, but these kids have their own world where 'Silence is the Sound'.


rohan said...

hey nice one, good observation..a goup of deaf n dumb sits near my building, even i kinda figure out there sign lingo its tough

Anonymous said...

Hmm..it is interesting that you actually observed the kids and trying to understand what they were talking.Sounds of Silence go a long way..it also happens between friends where one friend is expected to understand the nedds,feel our feelings,those unspoken words that we have to understand...u need to feel,be compassionate..thats the key.Btw Love,Happiness,Laughter knows no language.All we need is a heart and a willingness to do it..

Aaditya M. Joshi said...

The most beautiful line of the post:

At that time I was standing with them as a deaf and dumb person who could not hear, speak or understand their language.

Anonymous said...

Oh seriously man..i agree with Aditya..how could i miss those sentences..

Unknown said...

I can only interpret tht u hav a very soft and sensitive heart...u r blessed dear...i hope everyone has a heart like u :)